Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
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1 Resultado de traducción para to scour en español


scour verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
scoured, has scoured, is scouring, scours
registrar (un área), revisar (documentos, etc.); fregar, restregar

Ejemplos de uso de
scour verb

  • She used a scrub brush to scour the stubborn stains off the kitchen countertop.
  • She scoured the Internet for information about the upcoming concert.
  • The detective scoured the crime scene for any possible evidence.

Sinónimos de
scour verb

Traducción inversa para to scour

registrar  (un área) - to register, to record, to record, to tape, to search, to examine 
revisar  (documentos, etc.) - to examine, to inspect, to check, to go over, to check over, to overhaul (machinery), to revise 
fregar  - to scrub, to scour, to wash, to wash the dishes, to clean, to scrub, to annoy, to be annoying 
restregar  - to rub, to scrub 
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